Welcome to the Slavic Department

Barnard College Slavic Department


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Welcome to the Slavic Department at Barnard College.

Barnard College Slavic Department

Hear what our students have to say!

"Every class I've taken in the Slavic department has opened up a new world for me. Beyond even the immense practicality of learning the Russian language – there are hundreds of thousands of Russian-speakers in New York City alone – studying it, and how it differs from English, has increased my understanding of the structures of both languages and deepened my interest in both. Each literature class that I've taken has transformed the way I think about writers and their work, whether about how they engage with social, historical, or artistic movements or about how language itself exists in literary space. The contextual approach that Slavic literature courses take has provided me with the skills necessary to interact with a variety of disciplines - sociology, history, literature, linguistics, and political science, to name a few. I actively look forward to the classes that are offered each semester, and only regret not being able to continue to take them after I graduate." 

- Greta Schatz, Barnard Slavic/Linguistics Major '20

Barnard College Slavic Department

Hear what our students have to say!

"Majoring in Russian Language and Literature is one of the best choices I have ever made. I get to work with professors who are not only brilliant but profoundly moved and inspired by what they study. My major helped me to discover who I am both in and out of the classroom, to connect to my culture, and to pursue my passion (with a little help from my friends Tolstoy and Dostoevsky)."

- Anya Konstantinovsky, Barnard Slavic Major '20

Barnard College Slavic Department

Hear what our students have to say!

"A love of Russian literature and a fascination with the language was what initially drew me to take Russian classes at Barnard, but little did I know the extent to which majoring in Russian would define my college experience. Like every Barnard department, Slavic sets high standards for rigorous academics - professors here challenged me and inspired me to give my very best every day. But I'm not sure there's another department here that also offers the combination of translation competitions, close-knit holiday parties with authentic cuisine, its very own Slavic folk band, dedicated professors that feel like family, and trips to art museums, plays, and musical performances." 

- Sarah Wallstrom, Barnard Slavic Major '19

Barnard College Slavic Department

Hear what our students have to say!

Enrolling in Slavic courses is a smart choice, if you are looking to read more Dostoevsky or get into Tokarczuk in the days that you’ll be recovering from a discrete math midterm. It’s also a meaningful way to explore poli sci, if you cannot really commit to a pure-tone politics program. Whether you choose the literary or social sciences track, you will have access to the best Columbia, Barnard (and, inevitably, SIPA/Harriman) events, resources, and of course, some of the most supportive and understanding people on faculty. A double major’s dream!

- Anon


Our Mission

The Slavic department prides itself on giving students a strong foundation in language study, which serves as invaluable preparation for future graduate work in literature, history, economics, or political science, as well as for careers in government, business, journalism, or international law. The Barnard-Columbia Slavic Department offers academic instruction in six Slavic languages and literature (Russian, Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, Serbian/ Croatian/ Bosnian, and Ukrainian), with particularly extensive offerings in Russian. Four majors are available to students in the Barnard Slavic Department.

In Memoriam of Richard Folke Gustafson

Richard Folke Gustafson, Professor Emeritus in the Barnard/Columbia Slavic Department, died on May 5, 2024, in New York City.